Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Media sKare

How responsible is our media, be it Print, Internet or Television? With new news channels springing up at the drop of the hat and the current fad being regional language media, content is the hot commodity.

This is truly supposed to be the profession for the people by the people, is it so? What’s the ground reality like? From days when ‘Reporters’ where expected to report news as they happened, nowadays they literally have to create their own news.

Almost all news channels staple diet seems to be Politics, Tragedies, Sports, Page3 and Dirty linen in any color and hue. The word Exclusive has lost its meaning with every channel flashing the same content till you become numb with unwanted details. The idea is to nitpick the details that you want to harp about and presenting the information to their advantage.

The news channel’s that claim that they are hell bent on getting justice to the victim or that they were the one’s who bought about the change in the system because of their sting operations never follow up and close it. The affair to be covered has to be current and entertainment quotient high. No thought is given to the victim or her/his family member’s space, everyone is hounded till the news has interest then they all disappear into oblivion.

In these days when anyone and everyone can post their thoughts based on what they read or see it becomes even more important that the reporters give careful thought to what they print or report. They have to be held responsible for their deeds and they in turn step up to the plate and deliver news judiciously.

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