Monday, June 30, 2008

Dasavatharam - My Thoughts

I went in with low expectations after reading many reviews that trashed the movie, I guess it helped to an extent. I really do hope Kamal either learns by himself or his coterie tells him that less is sometimes good if not learn from the audience the best liked roles were of Nambi and Balram(Not much make up no gimmicks, plain vintage Kamal). On top of doing 10 roles, writing and scripting the movie, one ‘Thuthi’ for himself and two songs in his own voice. The movie was long and we have to endure Kamal for almost 99% of the movie.

For people who talk about atheist feel to the movie, the movie is equally loaded with theism starting from the first frame to the last. I would say all sides have been given equal representation with Kamal ending it with what side he is on. They do show Govind as an American scientist so his view points are just an extension of the character. I would like to think of Nambi as a reincarnation of Govind thereby explaining the flip flops of both Asin and Kamal’s character arcs(Nambi standing strong for his faith while his wife ask him to forego it).

For a movie that took 2 years to make it’s disappointing in all technical aspects like special effects and make up. The special effects were tacky to say the least and make up of some of the characters were down right stupid. The grandma’s make up reminded me more of Orcs than a grandma. Time wastefully spent, looks like Kamal just went with a one line idea of doing ten roles and a suitable title of Dasavatharam more then anything else.

Even in the real avatharams not all are given equal footing so to expect Kamal to do the same is asking for too much. I did read the match ups of Kamal’s roles and their equivalent avatharams and it did make sense as far as the characterization goes. A tighter script and a better director would have made wonders for this film. To sum it all up, a romance scene with a back drop of human disaster was out of place and so was the movie in most parts.

Management lesson 1, Delegate the roles and responsibilities, for me this is the primary failure of the movie. One cook trying too many dishes also spoils the meal:).

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