I went in with low expectations after reading many reviews that trashed the movie, I guess it helped to an extent. I really do hope Kamal either learns by himself or his coterie tells him that less is sometimes good if not learn from the audience the best liked roles were of Nambi and Balram(Not much make up no gimmicks, plain vintage Kamal). On top of doing 10 roles, writing and scripting the movie, one ‘Thuthi’ for himself and two songs in his own voice. The movie was long and we have to endure Kamal for almost 99% of the movie.
For people who talk about atheist feel to the movie, the movie is equally loaded with theism starting from the first frame to the last. I would say all sides have been given equal representation with Kamal ending it with what side he is on. They do show Govind as an American scientist so his view points are just an extension of the character. I would like to think of Nambi as a reincarnation of Govind thereby explaining the flip flops of both Asin and Kamal’s character arcs(Nambi standing strong for his faith while his wife ask him to forego it).
For a movie that took 2 years to make it’s disappointing in all technical aspects like special effects and make up. The special effects were tacky to say the least and make up of some of the characters were down right stupid. The grandma’s make up reminded me more of Orcs than a grandma. Time wastefully spent, looks like Kamal just went with a one line idea of doing ten roles and a suitable title of Dasavatharam more then anything else.
Even in the real avatharams not all are given equal footing so to expect Kamal to do the same is asking for too much. I did read the match ups of Kamal’s roles and their equivalent avatharams and it did make sense as far as the characterization goes. A tighter script and a better director would have made wonders for this film. To sum it all up, a romance scene with a back drop of human disaster was out of place and so was the movie in most parts.
Management lesson 1, Delegate the roles and responsibilities, for me this is the primary failure of the movie. One cook trying too many dishes also spoils the meal:).
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Community Cleaning
Indians have always been good at personal hygiene but the buck seems to stop at the gates of their homes. How things are beyond that is for the government to take care is the policy adopted by most Indians. Not only waste management almost everything related to civic sense is considered the responsibilities of the government entities.
Indians who travel abroad always admire the cleanliness and shower praise on the countries standing from their rooftops when they return home, and there ends the story. In almost all countries the taxes collected are more or less the same; the functional bodies that oversee the work are the same, what differs is the community participation by the people in these countries and Indians.
If you travel across India in trains the most common scene that you will see is people throwing the cups outside after drinking their chai or coffee. The most common argument is that there are no dustbins inside the trains, a point I hope the Indian Railways will rectify. My point is what is stopping you from keeping the cups under your train seat? Railways is cleaning the trains at the end of the journey, they can dispose it for you?
The corporation authorities in many cities have been taking some good steps in the last few years like garbage collection at a particular hour. They have been educating the people about garbage segregation at the source. The amount of participation from the general public has been poor. You can still see many dumping grounds at street corners. Similarly the people who collect and dispose the garbage must also be educated about the importance of their job, many a times I have seen the garbage guy just dumping everything togther rendering the efforts of segregation useless.
The prosperity Indians have seen in the last decade has made some them aware of the importance of this, but a lot still needs to be done. In a country of billion the amount of waste generated is humongous and we really need to put our minds together to tackle this problem. There are many by products that can give us good benefits, like pest control, containment of diseases like Malaria, we even can generate power from garbage these days.
I welcome the steps being taken by Chennai Corporation and I hope they sustain it. Hopefully the money being collected will be used to improve the infrastructure of the City. More then anything else I hope the people of Chennai take it to their heart and make it a practice for a cleaner Chennai and set an example for rest of India to follow.
Without self discipline we cannot raise above mediocrity.
Indians who travel abroad always admire the cleanliness and shower praise on the countries standing from their rooftops when they return home, and there ends the story. In almost all countries the taxes collected are more or less the same; the functional bodies that oversee the work are the same, what differs is the community participation by the people in these countries and Indians.
If you travel across India in trains the most common scene that you will see is people throwing the cups outside after drinking their chai or coffee. The most common argument is that there are no dustbins inside the trains, a point I hope the Indian Railways will rectify. My point is what is stopping you from keeping the cups under your train seat? Railways is cleaning the trains at the end of the journey, they can dispose it for you?
The corporation authorities in many cities have been taking some good steps in the last few years like garbage collection at a particular hour. They have been educating the people about garbage segregation at the source. The amount of participation from the general public has been poor. You can still see many dumping grounds at street corners. Similarly the people who collect and dispose the garbage must also be educated about the importance of their job, many a times I have seen the garbage guy just dumping everything togther rendering the efforts of segregation useless.
The prosperity Indians have seen in the last decade has made some them aware of the importance of this, but a lot still needs to be done. In a country of billion the amount of waste generated is humongous and we really need to put our minds together to tackle this problem. There are many by products that can give us good benefits, like pest control, containment of diseases like Malaria, we even can generate power from garbage these days.
I welcome the steps being taken by Chennai Corporation and I hope they sustain it. Hopefully the money being collected will be used to improve the infrastructure of the City. More then anything else I hope the people of Chennai take it to their heart and make it a practice for a cleaner Chennai and set an example for rest of India to follow.
Without self discipline we cannot raise above mediocrity.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Book Review - The Appeal

John Grisham is one of my favorite authors, and I read his The Appeal recently. It is his usual novel on the nuances of US legal system, added to which is the detailed description of how to rig an election. The election here is for the post of Judge on an Appeals court.
There are 3 parallel tracks involving 4 main protagonists in this book, the husband and wife lawyers Mary Grace and Wes Payton who argue the case. Carl Trudeau who owns Krane Chemicals and aginst whom the case are being fought and finally Ron Fisk who runs for the post of Judge.
The main track involving the lawyers does not involve you much as they always seem to be on the sidelines. Carl track is nothing unusual a ruthless shark with a character arc we are very much used too. The third track which involves the rigging of the election and Ron Fisk’s thought process is very engrossing.
The fault with the book is the three tracks do not merge that well and the structures stick out. I think Grisham wanted to make a story out of Brent Benjamin elections to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. The rest was added on as an after thought.
It is easy to understand that the even though the book talks about rigging a low level Judge elections the same is can be applied for other elections. This is pretty much what all the electoral lobbies are all about, fixing up elections so that their candidate would provide them some kind of break when it matters. The ending is kind of lame if you are used to Grisham’s explosive closures, you know where this is heading to most of the times.
There are 3 parallel tracks involving 4 main protagonists in this book, the husband and wife lawyers Mary Grace and Wes Payton who argue the case. Carl Trudeau who owns Krane Chemicals and aginst whom the case are being fought and finally Ron Fisk who runs for the post of Judge.
The main track involving the lawyers does not involve you much as they always seem to be on the sidelines. Carl track is nothing unusual a ruthless shark with a character arc we are very much used too. The third track which involves the rigging of the election and Ron Fisk’s thought process is very engrossing.
The fault with the book is the three tracks do not merge that well and the structures stick out. I think Grisham wanted to make a story out of Brent Benjamin elections to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. The rest was added on as an after thought.
It is easy to understand that the even though the book talks about rigging a low level Judge elections the same is can be applied for other elections. This is pretty much what all the electoral lobbies are all about, fixing up elections so that their candidate would provide them some kind of break when it matters. The ending is kind of lame if you are used to Grisham’s explosive closures, you know where this is heading to most of the times.
Confused Party of India (CPI)
What exactly is the role of the Left in our government? To me they seem to want to play the role of a 3 year old kid, they want everything to be done their way. Instead of giving them a good spanking and putting them in their place, UPA is pampering them. This is the main reason why UPA is going to loose the next election.
I was under the impression that the left was interested in the rights of labors and in upliftment. Does not cheaper energy source mean a lesser burden on the working class? On one hand they oppose the hike on fuel price and on the other hand block the nuke deal with US. What exactly are they trying to achieve?
If they feel that we would become bonded labor to US if we sign this deal, why don’t they work out a similar deal with their communist friends in China and Russia? Without any respite in the horizon and with no other choice rather hiking the price of fuel, UPA has fueled the rising inflation to well beyond the affordability of the man on the street.
In my school going days I used to see lot of places were the Communist party workers used to collect funds on the roadside, nowadays I do not see any of them. Who exactly is funding the Communist party that they have become so cash rich that they have stopped collecting of the funds? Whose side are they really on? Was China’s non opposition to India-US deal a confirmation that CPI had given their word to China that they will ensure that the deal will not go through?
I think its high time India evolves a system of having a referendum on all national issues, instead of behind held hostage by the unholy matrimony of power alliance that these parties stitch at the center. A democratic country is not only a country that elects it leaders but also have a say in how the country is governed. This may be additional cost to the exchequer but the least an affirmative action will be taken so that the country can move forward.
I was under the impression that the left was interested in the rights of labors and in upliftment. Does not cheaper energy source mean a lesser burden on the working class? On one hand they oppose the hike on fuel price and on the other hand block the nuke deal with US. What exactly are they trying to achieve?
If they feel that we would become bonded labor to US if we sign this deal, why don’t they work out a similar deal with their communist friends in China and Russia? Without any respite in the horizon and with no other choice rather hiking the price of fuel, UPA has fueled the rising inflation to well beyond the affordability of the man on the street.
In my school going days I used to see lot of places were the Communist party workers used to collect funds on the roadside, nowadays I do not see any of them. Who exactly is funding the Communist party that they have become so cash rich that they have stopped collecting of the funds? Whose side are they really on? Was China’s non opposition to India-US deal a confirmation that CPI had given their word to China that they will ensure that the deal will not go through?
I think its high time India evolves a system of having a referendum on all national issues, instead of behind held hostage by the unholy matrimony of power alliance that these parties stitch at the center. A democratic country is not only a country that elects it leaders but also have a say in how the country is governed. This may be additional cost to the exchequer but the least an affirmative action will be taken so that the country can move forward.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Let's have a break
The more I watch American television the more I miss India. I am not talking in anyway about the serials or the programs that’s being telecast. What’s been a big let down are the Ads which have a major chunk of airtime anywhere. The quality of Ads shown here are down right dreary.
Even though Ad breaks are irritating the quality of the Ads make the break sufferable. Back home they are a talking point and the new Ads are discussed as much as the programs. The Ads are more glossy and well shot with some of the best technicians available. Given that we have our usual share of duds to.
Some Ads are down right nostalgic and office room discussions start of a stream of Ads that people can relate with their childhood starting from Rasna or Horlicks. Maybe these days Amitabh and Shah Rukh are over exposed and I personally think this requires a remedy soon otherwise the storyboards of the Ads being made today in India should be on par with the best in the world.
Whatever Ads I have watched in America are either downright pathetic or stupid and I have as a consumer or customer a tough time relating to them in anyway. Some of it can be explained as a cultural thing, but then most brands are global these days and most products are available if not Geico we have LIC.
Something that I have liked here in America though is the Paid Ads for some of the products. They hypnotize you to such an extent that you are left wondering how you survived all these years without these wonder products. I am in no way endorsing the quality of the product they are advertising. In comparison back home these Ads are in infancy stage and needs a lot of improvement.
Even though Ad breaks are irritating the quality of the Ads make the break sufferable. Back home they are a talking point and the new Ads are discussed as much as the programs. The Ads are more glossy and well shot with some of the best technicians available. Given that we have our usual share of duds to.
Some Ads are down right nostalgic and office room discussions start of a stream of Ads that people can relate with their childhood starting from Rasna or Horlicks. Maybe these days Amitabh and Shah Rukh are over exposed and I personally think this requires a remedy soon otherwise the storyboards of the Ads being made today in India should be on par with the best in the world.
Whatever Ads I have watched in America are either downright pathetic or stupid and I have as a consumer or customer a tough time relating to them in anyway. Some of it can be explained as a cultural thing, but then most brands are global these days and most products are available if not Geico we have LIC.
Something that I have liked here in America though is the Paid Ads for some of the products. They hypnotize you to such an extent that you are left wondering how you survived all these years without these wonder products. I am in no way endorsing the quality of the product they are advertising. In comparison back home these Ads are in infancy stage and needs a lot of improvement.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Movie Review - Kingdom of Indi
You always get this déjà vu with hyped movies and you always enter the hall knowing that your expectations are going to come crashing down. Coming back together of Lucas, Spielberg and Ford was the USP of the film, Ford did his part, the other two let us down.
All though the hype was high for Indi – 4, knowing the star casts age you could guess that there was not much they can do with the action set pieces which the earlier Indies were famous for. They made up for it with some excellent one liner for Ford, some of them early in the movie letting us know that they are old and things have changed.
Lucas and Spielberg’s movies are known for their technical excellence, they were the technical excellence period, and not here though, this should be something of a nadir for their careers. Lucas story line sucked right through the prequels of Star Wars and it continues here.
The biggest problem for me was the lack of suspense; we always knew what was coming next. Some of the scenes were just modified from earlier movies like The Mummy. Little said about the Crystal Skull and the climax of the movie the better. Most of the time, the nostalgia carried me through the movie more then anything else.
The movie ends with pointers to Indiana Junior taking up the baton from his father, although nothing bad that I could come up with Le Bouf, I felt he lacked the charisma of Ford.
All though the hype was high for Indi – 4, knowing the star casts age you could guess that there was not much they can do with the action set pieces which the earlier Indies were famous for. They made up for it with some excellent one liner for Ford, some of them early in the movie letting us know that they are old and things have changed.
Lucas and Spielberg’s movies are known for their technical excellence, they were the technical excellence period, and not here though, this should be something of a nadir for their careers. Lucas story line sucked right through the prequels of Star Wars and it continues here.
The biggest problem for me was the lack of suspense; we always knew what was coming next. Some of the scenes were just modified from earlier movies like The Mummy. Little said about the Crystal Skull and the climax of the movie the better. Most of the time, the nostalgia carried me through the movie more then anything else.
The movie ends with pointers to Indiana Junior taking up the baton from his father, although nothing bad that I could come up with Le Bouf, I felt he lacked the charisma of Ford.
Crystal Skull,
Harrison Ford,
Indiana Jones,
Friday, June 13, 2008
JET Kairways

The flying time was quick and the plane reached the destinations well ahead of the time. The only big horror was the air hostesses yellow long Kurta kind off top which they removed as soon as the plane took off. It would be better if they changed the color soon.
They have a tie up with Brussels airport, when compared to other airports the Brussels airport looks very neat. It is also very easy to change terminals and you are not asked to go on a wild goose chase from one end of the airport to the other.
I know that this is still the initial stages; lets just hope that they continue to maintain the standard. For the time being good job guys, keep it up.
PS: I know this article looks like a corny ad for JET, but I am no way related to Naresh Goyal nor am I a share holder :).
Movie Review - Zohan is not Kosher

Watched the movie ‘You don’t mess with Zohan’ yesterday and it certainly wasn’t you should not miss Zohan variety, then which Adam Sandler movie is huh? This is one of the usual movies that Sandler and Rob Schneider make that has one of them starring in it. Unusually though both of them make longer appearances.
Sandler’s padded crotch plays a main role in the casting as most of the supposedly comic scenes revolve around it. The movie tries to provide a solution to age old Jew v/s Arab problem. Adam plays a Mossad agent who is tired of being the one man army and who has a secret desire of becoming a hair stylist in New York.
It is an understatement to say that this movie is gross. Adam’s body double has worked overtime in this movie for some butt scenes. The credits at the end kept rolling Adam Sandler’s name in one role or the other from starring to co-writing so we can conclude that the entire fault lies with him for creating such a dreadful movie.
The only thing positive that caught my eye in the entire movie was Emmanuelle Chriqui, she was really cute, and was worth my ticket price. The other surprise was upna Bappi da ka sound track Jimmy aajaa aajaa which was used as a background score towards the end of the movie. Otherwise I got the impression that this team seems to have lost steam and have no ideas left in the tanker. Take a break guys and come back refreshed.
On a final note the intention was good the execution was horrible, if only the problems in our life were so easy to deal with. What everyone should learn though is to take a joke with a pinch of salt, as in the movie when an Arab guy tells another Arab who has a very long beard that he would be scarred to travel with him on the same plane.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Media sKare
How responsible is our media, be it Print, Internet or Television? With new news channels springing up at the drop of the hat and the current fad being regional language media, content is the hot commodity.
This is truly supposed to be the profession for the people by the people, is it so? What’s the ground reality like? From days when ‘Reporters’ where expected to report news as they happened, nowadays they literally have to create their own news.
Almost all news channels staple diet seems to be Politics, Tragedies, Sports, Page3 and Dirty linen in any color and hue. The word Exclusive has lost its meaning with every channel flashing the same content till you become numb with unwanted details. The idea is to nitpick the details that you want to harp about and presenting the information to their advantage.
The news channel’s that claim that they are hell bent on getting justice to the victim or that they were the one’s who bought about the change in the system because of their sting operations never follow up and close it. The affair to be covered has to be current and entertainment quotient high. No thought is given to the victim or her/his family member’s space, everyone is hounded till the news has interest then they all disappear into oblivion.
In these days when anyone and everyone can post their thoughts based on what they read or see it becomes even more important that the reporters give careful thought to what they print or report. They have to be held responsible for their deeds and they in turn step up to the plate and deliver news judiciously.
This is truly supposed to be the profession for the people by the people, is it so? What’s the ground reality like? From days when ‘Reporters’ where expected to report news as they happened, nowadays they literally have to create their own news.
Almost all news channels staple diet seems to be Politics, Tragedies, Sports, Page3 and Dirty linen in any color and hue. The word Exclusive has lost its meaning with every channel flashing the same content till you become numb with unwanted details. The idea is to nitpick the details that you want to harp about and presenting the information to their advantage.
The news channel’s that claim that they are hell bent on getting justice to the victim or that they were the one’s who bought about the change in the system because of their sting operations never follow up and close it. The affair to be covered has to be current and entertainment quotient high. No thought is given to the victim or her/his family member’s space, everyone is hounded till the news has interest then they all disappear into oblivion.
In these days when anyone and everyone can post their thoughts based on what they read or see it becomes even more important that the reporters give careful thought to what they print or report. They have to be held responsible for their deeds and they in turn step up to the plate and deliver news judiciously.
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